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Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stop Talking About EDU ALL the Time, Wacker!

This is a note to myself. I'm passionate. I love learning. While this post isn't about all the things I wanna make better, it is about my acknowledgment that my closest friends are probably tired of hearing it, I need to do more about it…and so do YOU.

I try not to do this often, but this is a post of mine taken out of context (of course) from a siloed walled garden that none of you can participate in..too bad really, because I could totally be wrong. But, you will only have this comment box below to voice your disagreement and even if everyone else in my little discussion agrees with you;  you will never know ;)

My closest friends would tell you I'm obsessed, but I'm driven by where we are, where we were, and where we need to go. I purposefully directed the now in the forefront, because we are at a critical time for education. We need to be flipping the script so to speak and the hardest shifts need to happen here in these conversations. I believe professional development is heading that way with all of the informal learning going on today via twitter, ning, edmodo, Google Plus. etc. I want to be a shepherd and lifeline for folks excited to join communities of online practicioners. I build and design these courses/spaces but I still have so much to learn! (A huge missing dynamic piece of this flow is that I can't share the awesomeness here (Regis online), with the outside world.) 

We need to get there.

It pains me that we close off these conversations even from ourselves. If I want to reference or footnote this in a future piece, it's not possible because of our siloed walls. This is not unique to Regis but is instead a flaw in the design of 99% of online spaces designed for learning.

Am I crazy?


Michael Wacker
Online Professional Development Coordinator
Work Profiles: Twitter 
Edmodo DPS Moodle

Posted via email from Michael Wacker's posterous

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