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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Ruminating Out Loud 01/10/2012

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  • There is no patent medicine, potion, quack elixir, quick fix, remedy, for what ills our structures despite what soem would have you believe. It really is about relationships, empowerment, and community in my opinion. This quote below, summed up the silo-ness we live in within the EDU community in my opinion.
    "Today's school system is set up into disparate parts and silos."
    What could happen if we really try to flip the script in our schools? I mean space, schedule, teacher roles, etc...
    tags: education reform
    Are school leaders losing students (i.e., as physical, emotional, or intellectual dropouts) simply because they are trying to control the system? What would happen if students and teachers had more control over the learning process?
  • Looking forward to the conversation. Hope i can make it. Aaron's been doing this for awhile, look forward to hearing more about how the skill has evolved as access is increased.

    "Join us on Tuesday, January 17th, at 3:30pm Mountain time for a visit with Aaron Sams, a science teacher at Woodland Park High School in Woodland Park, Colorado, as we talk about the flipped classroom – what is it, it isn’t and the many forms that it can take."
Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.
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