Everyone in education knows that money is always a problem. We never have enough for our classrooms. But, there are ways around that. Free stuff means that you can allocate your limited funding to things you can't get free.
When budgets crunch and money gets tight, in education we go to the taxpayers and government and ask for more money to do our job well. Have we spent enough time and thought reflecting on the ways that we spend that money though? Are we accountable to ourselves enough?
It seems that there are stories and investigative reports via media reports that find cracks and holes in how we spend money. Do we set ourselves up for failure when we lack transparency in our budgets? These are some ways to save some real money in education. Now, anyone who knows me knows I think there are always "free" alternatives to doing something. But, I don't begrudge an organization for spending money well, for the right reasons, I just think we should really reflect on how we spend and ask the tough questions around copy costs, textbooks, technology, and expensive curriculum programs that require annual replacement.
Images via rysac1 and borman818
Flickr CC
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