The matrix shared from fcit is looked upon as a standard and in relative high regard in ed tech circles. I would argue though that many ed tech circles still look at technology as salad dressing (h/t Bud Hunt.) In my opinion, our time with children is precious and we need to empower and support better use of our resources and people. Generalizing a little here, but the Ed tech community at large can sometimes miss that crucial element when designing learning for children and adults.
My specific push back for lack of a better term initially is that while many of these examples provided do indeed infuse technology and sometimes really well, but I think to get to a larger paradigm shift there are critical elements that instruction and therefore instructional design must be anchored against.
Technology integration at a ubiquitous and transformational level in my opinion, should cover the following key axioms, many of which may just feel like best practice instruction (which is true) but with technology we can do it better, faster, and deeper without teacher burnout and learner disengagement.
- Personalization for the learner
- (some amount of self direction, and a lot of sharing out loud) this one is hard for a traditional course whereby the content is consumed and then reproduced with little say in the direction for the learner
- Blended strategies (many of what follows sit under this umbrella)
- maximize the time, space, and tools for the job while freeing up teacher time
- Tight feedback loops
- Modeled use of data to drive instruction
- Low level knowledge recall assessments should be automated for the facilitator and trigger multi-modal supports by the means of professor, peer, and outside provider created materials targeted to specific outcomes or objectives
- Authentic application
- Learner-centered (similar to personalization, but a little different)
- allow for learner's to design their own inquiry and essential question,then measure that against the culminating task, (which should also allow four choice and "leveled accomplishments")
- Project based learning is great, but if it is a teacher designed project it implicitly lays the focus and application as a teacher driven output.
- Assignments and content should provide multiple levers for interactions with peers, the content itself, and the teacher
Model best practice classroom instruction - Connected to community or service learning.
- example: "You've demonstrated you understand and can apply this objective at a low level. What would it look like to Design and Apply this knowledge with your world, your school,, your community?"
- Focus on the verbs (the nouns change) focus on what we want our children to be doing in the classroom and design backwards from that.
For example: if a teacher is taking a course targeted specifically at teaching mathematics instruction. Modeling the use of digital calculators, or the use of video to design authentic applications of math in real life, while providing consistent opportunities for reflection, and opportunities for peers to review or build upon each learner's work.
That's where my head is today as I wrestle with some ideas in my mind and try to make sense of what I'm seeing.
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