Blog Archive

Thursday, March 18, 2010

When professional networking works it is a magical blend of collaboration, productivity and resourcefulness, Big Blue Button Rocks

How completely awesome is this? When professional networking works, it is a magical blend of collaboration, productivity and resourcefulness.
I can cite countless examples where my peers have been there for me in more ways than I can count. Sanding on the shoulders of brilliant minds is not a unique skill, but I am so proud of my network and their tremendous helpfulness and propensity to give in time and resources. It is inspiring! However, this feels different, big blue button is not out there trying to make money at least not yet.) They are an open source platform for videoconferencing solution, which means that they are in it for the right reasons in my opinion
Not even a minute after posting this…

I get this…

To which I respond…

Then minutes later I receive this..

I will certainly share the end results with anyone interested, this could be a tremendously powerful solution for us in online PD!

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