Blog Archive

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Recipe for a Great Network

I am in the holiday spirit, knee deep in recipes and sugar cookies dancing in my head. While Mrs Wacker is the great cook in the house, that doesn't mean I haven't at least looked at some recipes in recent days/weeks. Thus tonight's post is inspired by our recipe book.

The following list is rushed, incomplete and not a true representation of the 100's of educators that I am lucky enough to learn from on a consistent basis. If there's someone glaringly missed, I apologize, this was done off the top of my head.

Note: Many of these ingredients could be duplicated throughout this recipe.


1 cup of topic and passion relevance (#jeffcok12, #educon, #iste, #NSBATL, #colearning,#gtaco)

3/4 cup of people that make me think (@courosa, @bhwilkoff, @chrislehman, @davecormier, @paulawhite, @christianlong, @nashworld, @jonbecker, @mjmontagne)

1/2 cup of leaders and admin (@ehelfant,@pammoran, @scottelias, @paulrwood, @bethstill, @bengrey, @ryanbretag, @markwagner)

1/3 cup of link junkies (@riptidef, @cleversheep, @web20classroom, @rmbyrne, @wfryer, @fisher1000, @lthumann, @russeltarr, @elemenous)

1/4 cup of local flavor (@dkdykstra,@bud_t,@budtheteacher, @karlfisch, @ktenkely, @nawalnader, @heydana, @danbrooksco)

2 Tbsp Tremendous Teachers in the field (@chrislatkinson, @johnmikulski, @drezac, @teachakidd, @giadeselm, @teacherspirit, @mbteach)

1 tbsp humor (@shareski,@ransomtech, and many more)

2 tsp lurkers (not sure who you are, but we need you guys too :)

sprinkle of discussion seekers (@dlaufenberg, @smeech, @cbell619,@mctownsley,@acrozier, @beckyfisher73)

Take all of these ingredients add in a dose of humility and self deprication and you too will have a meal that will feed your professional development and drive your knowledge seeking for quite awhile


Matt Townsley said...

I enjoyed the analogy of your post...and then realized my name was on it, too! I am humbled as well. Looking forward to more conversations with you and other edu-tweeps. Have a Merry Christmas.

Gia DeSelm said...

I'm smiling from ear to ear! Very cool way to think about your world this time of year! Thanks for your pushing my thinking and the - 'can we do something fun now'- to break up a long meeting!

krossbow said...

Very cool way to tie it all together.